After swimming with the outside temperature at ohhhhh all of zero degrees, Daniel and I played in the boys vurses dads football match, 50 mins of end to end play, abit like a speedwork session.
Bring on Christmas.
"I AM an Ironman" - he ROARED
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Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Ha, rest week. Well I took that one literally. 30 mins on the turbo trainer and an hour in the pool with the kids! Motivation, motivation, where are you? Are you here:
No, are you here:
No, all they want to do is go Skateboarding. How about here:
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Week 1
Not a good week then. A couple of sessions on the turbo trainer, a masters swim session and a 8 mile run. The week started bad with a bit of a cold. I thought it wise to give it time to go away, and it seemed like a good excuse. Wednesday was swimming, yeah, enjoyed this session and stayed on in the pool to do another 400 metres after everyone else from the lane had left. I’m still pretty useless at swimming but when I think about the fuss I made in the summer about a 750m swim, I just have to call myself names, what was I on? The idea of 1900m for the New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon (the 2008 goal) is daunting but I’ll do it. Found a bargain wetsuit on Ebay and just couldn’t resist it. An Orca Sonar, retail 180 gbp on Ebay for 99 gbp. An early Christmas present. I hope it not an Ebay scam! Doh, hadn’t thought of that!
I have also rediscovered the turbo trainer. This is probably the easiest thing to do, as it means I can fit it in with my own schedule. So why have I only done 2 sessions? Moving on, Saturday morning I was up and out early to do a Ballbuster circuit. An 8 mile circuit, in the event I will do 5 of these, I did this 1 circuit in 1:05:36 did not feel too bad afterwards and was powered by 1 bagel and 1 energy gel. At some point I am going to need a nutrition strategy for this Ballbuster. I mean it’s got to be as tough as a marathon. I believe that based on 1 circuit in 1:05:36 I can complete this Ballbuster in 3:45, a similar time to my marathon time. So there is my target which I think will put me in the middle of the pack.
The run was good, Ipod in, not too cold, no traffic, felt good, tried to vary my pace and lift my knees. One thing I have found in the past is that my head says to me, take it steady, theres a long way to go, so I don’t speed up, I just plod along. I think cycling has taught me that I can vary my pace, speed up and slow down to recover and I will still be able to make the distance, so I’m going to try and remember this in training and put in some faster stretches.
Roll on week 2
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Andy Curtis
I committed to the Ballbuster in March. Filled out the entry form and put it all in an envelope.
Told Sarah and the kids, 'I'm going to do the Ballbuster in March'. 'Ohhh my god', said Daniel, 'your going to die'.
Urghhhhh, gulp, that fills me with confidence! I'll show him the little ......
So my training started, 1 day of manic excel work and I have a plan. Here it is Ballbuster Training Plan and as it always is with my plans, I am falling behind already!
Posted by
Andy Curtis
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Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
October 1st came and went. 1 contract with a large public sector department did not start and another contract came along and started within 4 days. So Thursday I found myself chained to a desk, staring at a computer screen. Ohhhhh, boo hooo, whooa is me, poor me. It's a curse, having to work. It's about time society found a way of keeping me, paying for everything my family needs. I've paid tax, it's about time for some pay back! OK, I'll shut up and get on with it!
Still I did manage to not start work until Thursday. So Monday, swimming, Tuesday, Biking, Wed, swimming. Then Thursday and Friday its commute into London and back so no time for training. I can see its all going to be downhill from here, or time for the turbo trainer (thanks Phil for the reminder). Maybe I should get off at Clapham Junction and run in? There are showers and it is casual wear, there is even somewhere to park your bike securely, but can you really cycle into London? Ummmm running from Clapham Junction, must look it up.
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Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
After whinging on, on Monday, I picked up my game on Tuesday. Emailed Martin and arranged to meet him outside Dorking Swimming Centre. A beautiful morning for a ride, (glad I was not stuck behind a computer screen). Out through Brockham, Newdigate, Forest Green, I dunno, placed I have not heard of before. Places where the locals probably can afford to pay you to stay away and not disturb them. I just wish I knew what they did and I could do it too. Think I'll start taking pictures, 'flash houses in Surrey'.
So, 38 miles later I got back home again, yeah an excellent ride, well except for the pothole that when I hit it (concentrating on drafting behind Martin at the time), bent my handlebars down. I expected worse, but a quick allen key and we were off again. No whinging today!
Today is 'triathlon training day', bike, run, swim. A 8.5mile ride around a Ballbuster circuit and a run down to High Ashurst and back (2.3miles). But, I need to whinge again! I got a pain in the small of my back whilst running. Swimming is this evening, Masters swim session. I missed last weeks so need to get back in there and practice, (technique, its all technique, must practice).
That was a tough masters session. The pool was crowded and 1 of the good/excellent swimmers from the next lane came into our slow lane and took us out. I was wasted by the end of the warm up! Then the drills and I was flagging. I guess I managed 1000m, and after an hour there was only 3 of us left in the lane. Honest this woman was like a dolphin. When I watched her kicking drill, it was like a washing machine behind her. I just don't move my legs that fast! Fantastic to see, wish I could watch her technique and learn something.
Determined to get a decent run in this week, I don't like it when I think I failed, and yesterdays run left me feeling like I had failed. 12km today, it was more difficult than I expected. I really must get fitter.
Just a couple of 8 mile Ballbuster curcuits today. Quite pleased about the way I am climbing Boxhill on the bike now. Better than when I started doing it.
1500m in the pool. Just going steady and trying to keep the breathing rate down. Managed to get 1500m freestyle done, and I could have done more. I am really encouraged by this as I have not tried doing this before. Think I will do it more often.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Not alot going on at the moment, back from holiday and no work so I should be able to get a bit of training done. However, I have been looking for work and taking a long needed go at the garden. It's all left me feeling a little weak, poor thing! I did make it to the running club for the last speedwork session, knackering followed by a bike back up the hill in the dark. Two things came out from that ride. 1, my little LED light does not light up very much, 2, my brain did overtime thinking about beasties in the woods all stalking me as I huffed and puffed my way up the hill. I also got a ride with Phil, after hijacking his commute home which was good, well good for me, afraid I filled him with dread and fear about a Cornish sea swim in May! Still the Gods paid me back with a good bout of food poisoning that night, and I can't say I have been right since.
Monday 17th I tried a run. Did 8km around Boxhill and the heartrate was up into the 165 range, which is way, way, way too high. So I am ill, unfit and a whinger. Must get over it.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
France holiday week 1. Returned from Cornwall after vegging out from the Sprint Tri, packed the car and off to the Alps. 1 Espace, 1 roof box, 5 bikes, 3 kids, 1 wife and me. Amazing what you can attach to a car nowadays.
2 days later, much shouting at the kids and we arrived in the Les Get. Straight into the Lake for a bit of open water swim training (200m), a tad cold but OK. Same old problem with swimming though, I need to practice more.
Out with the bikes. Mine is a classy 15 year old £99.00 steel mountain bike with tag along for Sophie. (not a desirable machine) and awful hard to make move. But Sophie likes it, sitting at the back, singing songs.
Next was running at altitude training. So I ran the final incline up to Ranfoilly (400yards at 1800m) and I was 'puffed out'. Was it the mountain Crocs I ran in, or the altitude.
Then down to Lac Leman and I saw a 'Dorking Ten' tee shirt!!! 150m Sprint training after lunch, the running Crocs absolutely helped me beat Oliver over this distance, although he did take off faster than me. Biked around (tagging Sophie, in 1st gear to keep the cadence up, just to make it difficult), then we all jumped into an open air swimming pool. 50m pool and I knocked out 500m, feel good to have done this.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
I am a triathlete. Sunday 8am and I lined up with 153 others in Hayle pool, Cornwall, a locked in tidal pool, 19 degrees C. My strategy was to 1, lurk at the back. 2, don't die. 3, swim in the right direction. Here I am, lurking at the back so that I don't get kicked and staying close to a canoe for safety. The horn went and the swim started. Head down, water not too cold to breathe, stroke, stroke, breathe, stroke, stroke, breathe ......... Hey, I'm still alive, hey this is good. Quick where are the bubbles to follow? Head up, look about, ahhhh, I'm heading in the wrong direction! Quick back on track. Stroke, stroke, breathe ...... Put my head up again. Ummm, everyone seems to be ahead of me! Who is behind me? Whats that, what its all the breast-strokers behind me. Ohhhhh no, I'm swimming with the breast-strokers! I must get in more swim practice. Finally I too had swum 750m. Here I am coming out.
Awesome I look like I might know what I'm doing, notice the breast-sroker still in the water behind me.
Onto transition (T1). Run out of the water, undoing wetsuit, (stagger out of water on wobbly legs, fiddling with zip), strip off wetsuit, (how hard can a wetsuit be to take off? Get off my ankles will you, when did someone glue this thing to my ankles?), put helmet on, (who twisted the straps around?), unrake bike, (easy) run out of transition, (owww my feet on the stones), jump on bike, feet in shoes, and cycle. (feet in shoes, go on feet, in you get, why does the shoe not stop turning around? ohhh quick pedal before you fall off, right do up the binding, arghhhh, next time I put the shoes on the feet first.
And I'm off, 20km on the bike, swig the juice and crack on and please, please don't let anyone on a mountain bike overtake me. The bike went quite well, I did overtake a number of people, including 2 people with aerobars. Coming back into Hayle was all down hill, definately would have been good to have aerobars here. This is me coming into T2. Notice feet still in shoes! Thats because I can't get the shoe fastenings undone. Notice 50yds to go before I need to get off. What am I going to do, get my feet out or fall off? I went for the unclip and run in the shoes option. Racked the bike ahead of the woman ahead of me in the picture, then had to take my helmet amd shoes off, and put my trainers on. The woman was off out of T2 before I had my trainers on. Note to self - Elasticated laces, enough said.
Heres me starting the 5km run. The last leg, 5km run, ohhh I've left my garmin on the handlebars, dohhh. How hard can a 5km run be? Well about as hard as the final 5km of a marathon. 'Come on legs, forwards, back, forwards, back. No, no, not round and round, that was the last leg'. Notice in the picture my pre-race strategy of 'no socks', that was a mistake. Within 200 metres I had rubbed a hole in my left ankle.
5km later and I crossed the finish line. I am a triathlete.
Here's the statistics:
Swim (inc T1) 19:48
Bike (inc T2) 43:19
Run 25:09
Total 1:28:18
Place 105 (153 total)
As the song says: 'Things can only get better', and that means swimming more, building some cycling leg muscles and brick sessions.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
One more week to go. Aug 5th is my first triathlon. A sprint so there should not be too many problems. But against all advise I have not done an open water swim. I know, I should have done at least one swim and I am now starting to think I have made a mistake. In fact I am worried about actually getting in the water to start with. Cornish water is cold. In the middle of summer it is still cold, even with a wetsuit on, it is cold and I have a reputation for running away from cold water! So I am pretty nervous about actually starting the swim!
Posted by
Andy Curtis
For a couple of weeks now, Daniel has been asking if he can come for a run. Was it me that inspired him, or was it the school athletics day and all his mates running. I believe its his mates, but I might just like to think I helped a little bit.
So we went for a run in a break in the rain. We drove to the Viewpoint carpark and set off from there to a place I call the secret viewpoint. Its just over a mile through the woods and brings you out at another viewpoint looking north and west. Dan and I had a great run there and back. The tracks were wet and squidgey, ohhhh it must be summer! But we did not mind that, we ran and chatted and dodged puddles.
Well done Daniel, 'You ARE a runner'.
Sunday and I decided to follow a 81km route that takes in the major hills in the area. Is this wise? Ummmm, I don't know. Now I have always had a problem with those red triangle signs showing the hill coming up, they mean nothing to me. I couldn't tell you if 10% is steep or not or if 10% is steeper than 20%. I have no clue about them. So today when I saw on the map 21% it meant nothing. Nothing until I tried to cycle up it! Now I know that 21% means your heartrate goes up over 160bpm, that your speed drops to 1 mph, that your legs burn, it means that I have met my match. Winterfold hill. I kept going until I had to stop. I tried to get going again but fell off whilst trying to clip in, so I walked to a flat section, got going and caved again 70m from the top. What a nightmare hill. I continued on with the route until I got to Chilworth, then turned for Albury and the A25 to Dorking and up Boxhill again for 81.5km in total.
Ohhh, yeah .... and I got wolf whistled at! Ha, it was before Winterfold 'the destroyer' hill, made me laugh, must be the 'leotard', I mean cycling gear.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Last week I started to pick things up again. Ran 20km and Swam once. The weekend was taken over by Daniels birthday party, and Thursday was Daniels Athletics Tournament evening. Daniel ran a leg of the relay and helped the team win. He was so excited to be running, he could hardly keep his excitement in, so when he started to run, he exploded away down the track. Well done Daniel. After this event he asked if he could go out running with me sometime. So maybe, just maybe he is 'inspired', theres that word. The one I have been waiting to say. Daniel has asked a few times in the past about going out running, and we have done a couple of 3-5km runs. But I think this Athletics event, being with his friends running and mabe a little of seeing me training has inspired him a little. So we are going out for a run on Saturday.
This week I have run again, 8km Tuesday night. The calves are painful, but I think its getting easier. Not quite upto the 11km circuit yet, but improving.
Saturday we went to the Tour de France Prologue in London. First time I have ever been to something like this. The streets were all blocked off and the cyclings stormed through, amazing. It was quite difficult to see them, being 2 or 3 deep at the railing meant you had a field of vision of about 6 foot, which is about 0.1 of a second for a cycling to go past!
Posted by
Andy Curtis
How long is it since I last did a run? That was the question I asked myself as I tried to do a 8 mile circuit on Friday evening, and finding myself run-walking up the zig zag. Ohhhh, no and I have a 10km run on July 15th. I need to get a plan back together becasue its all going horribly wrong at the moment.
Last week was a swim and a run week. Not very good and basically shows you need to have a schedule to follow. Have a goal, a race, an event you want to do and work back from it. Create a plan showing what your going to do each week. Then go do it. Have I done this? No, and thats why I am loosing that endurance and fitness built up earlier in the year.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
The stress continues at work. But it is improving and is at 50% of last weeks level. Whats been going on? Well I develop/implement business 'process' software (SAP Workflow to the techies out there). The piece I have been working on is Invoice Approvals and I have been behind the scene 'pedalling as fast as I can' to minimise the impact of 'issues' (OK bugs) on the business and to ensure invoices are approved and paid.
How did it happen? Testing, (reminder to self) test, test, and test again. Then get lots of others to test, because other people do things.
Back to training. This week I managed to go swimming. I have a 750m open water swim to do in August. It's filling me with dread and fear as I end a 100m puffing and panting and thankful for the end of the pool. How do you get to be a swimming superhero?
Posted by
Andy Curtis
due to overwhelming work commitments.
This last week I had some developments goto production and had to handhold it. So I have been working long hours and been under stress. Normal play will be resumed as soon as things settle down.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
What a saga. It starts on Friday on my way to work when the car timing belt broke. Then a power cut and a computer remote connection that did not work. All this meant I had to go into the office in Sunbury on Saturday morning. So thats a 16.5 mile ride there, a load of stress and a 23.5 mile ride home via Dorking to get a haircut. All added up to 40 miles. Yep, and it ended with a climb up Boxhill again. Sometimes living on top of a hill is bad news.
Tomorrow I will be marshalling at the Dorking 10. That will be at least 4 miles running, ohhh and yes 2 miles back up that hill again.
Still, Sarah has managed to buy a new car, it's just in Cornwall, so that will be next weekends cycle ride then!
Posted by
Andy Curtis
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Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
This week I returned to the bike to start some proper cycling not the sweaty turbo trainer but the open road. Early Sunday I was off, just over an hour at an average of 16.7mph. I am Lance(not)! But it felt great, the difference to running is that you cover so much ground so much quicker. Can't wait to get back on it and out again.
One of the podcasts I listen to recently started to talk about Hornet Juice. This is an Amino acid concoction that apparently helps your body convert body fat into energy instead of using carbs. So helps with endurance. I sent off for a few packets to try. If the podcast (Zen and the Art of Triathlon) is right, I will be blistering along for hours. (Watch this space).
Need to find a local Sprint tri to do. There are some that do the swim in the swimming pool so that looks like a good place to start and the 400m swim I have a good chance of being able to do.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
This post is dedicated to ‘Johnny Second Toe’ of Left platoon. Johnny is a dedicated soldier, nothing was too much for Johnny and he showed great courage in battle. It was in battle that Johnny Second Toe gave everything, not complaining or slacking when Johnny sustained a terrible injury. Blisters a common injury sustained in battle claims many toes and heels, and Johnny was hit by a blister. The blister was dealt with immediately after the battle by the surgical fingers unit that joined Foot brigade on April 22nd. But quick intervention could not prevent Johnny Second Toe from loosing his armour and on May 5th Johnny succumbed and lost his nail. We wish Johnny Second Toe a speedy recovery and will be thinking of him.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
I returned to focus on triathlon training this week. Thats the 3 sports, swimming, cycling and running. I started by cycling to the running club on Monday and Masters swim session on Wednesday.
Mondays bike down the hill was great. The first puncture was not so great. Still plenty of experience and help at the running club. So after the 7 mile run, I started to replace the inner tube, only to knick the spare tube and puncture that one as well! 'Sarah, darling wife, whom I love the most, will you come down in the car and rescue me?'
Still I need the practice at puncture repairing. 2 inner tubes later and Oliver offered to help. 'Daddy, why don't your puncture repair patches work?'
'I don't know Oliver'.
'Why don't you use sellotape?' So heres my first ever puncture repair
'Sarah, darling wife, whom I love the most, will you goto the bike shop tomorrow for me?' 2 new inner tubes later and I got the wheel back on the bike. Thought I would spin it around, theres a awful flat spot where the tyre is sitting properly. Back off, back on, pump up, let down, repeat several times. Look for talcum powder (who uses the stuff? Not us). Use Pledge, pump up again, keep on pumping, keep on pumping, keep on pumping, keep on pumping. Thats about 160lbs/in pressure, spin the wheel. Ahh no flat spot. Ohhh joy. Now I can go swimming.
Not been swimming recently so I totally floundered along again at the back of the slow lane. I am not a dolphin. I am one of those strange shaped bottom feeders. 1500m is so totally out of the question. If is was not for the end of the pool every 25m I would be in trouble. Still all the ladies in the slow lane (these ladies are all swimming off ahead of me, leaving me in their wake), are impressed that I ran a marathon! I'm impressed at their ability to swim and breathe.
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Andy Curtis
So many people have congratulated me or wanted to know how I did, that I must say "thank you" to everyone for your wishes. I am surprised that anyone should 'give a hoot' about how I did really, but so many people have emailed me, phoned me or asked how I did. It's great. I feel like a superstar athlete!! Only I really do know that I am lightyears away from being one.
Time to move on and attack that Triathlon goal.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
It was all about wanting to finish in 3:30, a medal, aching legs, loosing the ability to 'do' stairs and leaving my mark.
Check out the results:
Flora London Marathon 2007 Results
Runner No.: 24579 Club Dorking & Mole Valley
10 km 0:49:11
20 km 1:41:31
half 1:47:15
30 km 2:36:06
40 km 3:32:10
finish 3:43:46
Position (overall) 5832
Position (gender) 5015 out of 24814
Position (age group) 681 out of 3966
Finish time 3:43:46
You have to see this:
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Here it is. Dah dahhhhhh. Months of training, a morning at Excel in London to pick it up from the FLM Expo and here it is. My Runners Number. Number 24579, Blue start, pen 4. Next stop Greenwich. The small round thing in the top left is the Championchip that will be laced into my shoe and provide me with my marathon time.
But whats that in the bottom right? It's from the goodie bag and what does that say, 'for breast feeding mothers'? Is there something about marathon running I don't know? Maybe its time to tell you the 'Marathon Runners Secret'.
The Marathon Runners Secret
One of the consequences of running for a longtime is chafing and I know from a previous marathon that the parts on me that chafe are my nipples. I discovered this when I got in the shower after the New Forest Marathon. 'Ohhhhhh', I said, 'thats strange, my nipples feel like they have been worn right off'! So I took a look, and hey, they had been. So to take care of my newly recovered nipples, I will treat them and use the FLM goodie bag item.
3 days to go. Am I nervous? Yep, too right I am. I'm as ready as I could be, but is that ready enough? Probably, but my stomache is churning and all my thoughts are about Sunday.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Back in December I blogged. 'Yippee', 'I've got a London Marathon entry'. Today I will blog, 'yippee ..... the training is over!' The last long run is done. The last 22miler was last weekend and I thought that was it, but this week was a 15 miler. Thats a 2:10 run not a 3:10 run, but still not a short distance. So again I procrastinated until the last minute and then did the run. This is me at the end of it. See the 'yippee' in me? See the joy of having done a long run? No? Nah, nor do I. All I see is relief that these long runs are over. Its not all been like that though. I did look forward to the long runs early on in the training. But after 2 20 milers and 2 22 milers, I now feel relieved its over. Next long run is London in 2 weeks. Why blog this? So that when I read these posts after I have signed up to another marathon I will be reminded of the amount of willpower, the amount of motivation that I need, just to do the training. They say the training is the hardest part and right now I hope it is.
2 weeks to go then. 2 weeks to fend off the viruses and illnesses that all around me have. 2 weeks to think positive and build up energy for the day.
Bring it on !
Posted by
Andy Curtis
According to the plan this week ends with a 22 mile run. The last long run before the event. Hooray! Sometimes I have looked forward to one of these long runs, but right now, I will be glad when this one is over and done.
As for the shorter mid week runs. Well they have turned into sessions on the bike in the garage. Bit of a beasty piece of work to do at the moment and then lots of picking Oliver or Daniel up from footy or friends to be done. So by the time I am free to do anything its 9pm and time to plug the Ipod in, goto the utility and decide on a shoe. Bike or running shoe? Bike has been winning each night this week.
Must say thanks to Jill Feenan this week. Out of the blue, Jill sent be a photo of me at University in my orienteering gear. Ahhhhhhh, it really should be destroyed, but just to show I have no ego here it is. The boys asked, 'Daddy, why has your mobile phone got such a big aerial?' (boys, mobiles were not invented when this picture was taken) and 'how could you have hair like that?', whilst Sarah asked, 'how did we ever get married'. I just want to know, what the heck am I wearing? Is it early wicking material or just plain nylon? Either way the static charge could probably power the giant phone.
Well look at that. I just read one of my first posts. I had a BPM in the 150-160 range. Today that BPM is in the 140's Cool and a good use for a Blog. Things have been getting better.
This week has ended with a 22 mile run. Thank God I don't have to do another one of those before the event. Theres no 2 ways about it, they are hard. Towards the end your body is screaming, 'STOP', and your head shouts, 'Why are you doing this', how you continue I don't know. This 22 mile ended at the bottom of Boxill, so I still had a 2 mile hike up the hill and back home. I guess its good to walk off all that lactate built up in your muscles!
Phil, if that was you on the A24 on that cool looking bike? Nice bike, nice shades, and we must go for a training ride after I recover from this marathon.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Sarah has been recovering this week, and what a lovely week it has been. Temperature in the teens, the sun has been out. Just the week you need to paint the window frames. This is exactly what Pat has been doing for us. Thank you Pat. A job I have been putting off for 3 or 4 years and Pat has done it for me this week. Thank you. I have been couped up in air conditioned offices all week trying to meet tight deadlines. But I have managed to get my mid week runs in at 6am each morning. It's not so difficult to get out there and run 10km at 6am when the sun is out and it's warm.
The tale of woe continues in the Curtis household though. Oliver has been off school all week with a virus, Daniel caught it midweek and has been off as well. Then Sarah got it and Pat has got something as well. I can't believe it, Sarah must just be thinking the world has got it in for her and Pat is convinced he should not come out of Cornwall again! Maybe this is the reason people goto/use to goto a convalescent home.
The weekend bought me to the longest long run of the training plan. A 22 mile epic. I can't say I looked forward to this run. In fact I have been dreading it! The weather forecast said, fine on Sat. Wintery on Sun. So Saturday morning I was up at 6am, porridge, prepare the backpack, energy gels, energy drink, mobile phone and by 7am I was out the door. 3hr 8mins and 35.25km later I arrived at Brockham playing fields just in time to see Oliver play the 2nd half of his football match and get a lift back up the hill with Pat. My garmin tells me I burn 2309calories on this run, and I was 8mins faster than the last time I did a 22mile training run in Sept 2006. So I feel good and recovery has not been too bad. Still have another 22miler to look forward to ..... not!
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Training must be tough, I have started hallucinating. There I was trying to do a mid week run down the track to High Ashurst and I saw 2 llamas. Now I am use to seeing long horn cattle, black sheep, green woodpeckers and the normal animals like foxes, deer, dogs, horses even badgers. But until now I have never seen llama.
Sarah has not had a good week, this week. It started with her feeling terrible, so I tried to help and do my bit by taking the kids to school, then getting home from work and getting them off to bed to give Sarah a break and a rest. Then on Thursday she went into hospital for a gallbladder operation. Better out than in when it causes you so much pain. So its gone, but thats not the end of the story! She still needs to recover and still needs another ERCP sometime to remove the stents put in, in the first ERCP.
So this week I missed Running club night. I have run twice so far and biked 1 night. I need to get back into the swing of more runs. I have managed to pick it up abit this weekend. John and I did the Wimbledon 10km. A lovely day for a run, sunny and warm, what a change from the recent weather. I then did 13km around the usual loop from the house, didn't quite have the motivation to continue on to do a longer run.
Back to the plan next week though and no excuses. Sarah is home again, drinking and eating, which is great to see as she has not done much eating and has only been drinking water/lemon/sugar for what seems like ages. Granny and grandpa are coming up for a week to help out, so I am oping to get some training runs done and to get back on plan.
The plan calls for the longest long run to date. 35.2km ohhhhh, thats going to take sometime!!
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Andy Curtis
The first step in getting to run a marathon is to stick a training plan on the fridge door. The next step is to stay motivated and follow the plan. The third factor is to find a way of fitting the training in with all the other things in your life. My way to do this is to be flexible and when the plan says 9.6km run, then 50mins on the Iron Horse will do just the same. So on Tuesday this weeks training moved from the street to the garage and 50 mins on Iron Horse. On Wednesday a last minute rescheduling meant I found myself on Iron Horse in the garage for 50mins again. Thursday night I actually ran. DMVAC Club night, and a 7 mile tour of the hills of Dorking. Friday night was washed out by rain and a glass of wine. Saturday was meant to be a 32km long run. But Sarah is having a really bad day with the gallstone problem again. The long run was abandoned and the training ground moved from the garage to the kitchen sink.
I always said 1hr in the kitchen is worth 2hrs running! Still tomorrow is Sunday and hopefully Sarah will be feeling better, then I can get my long run done. Overall for the week my total distance will be down, but at least I will have done the long run. Sunday was forecast to be rain but I got out early and managed a largely dry 32km. The final 6km were wet though! So, yee haa, I got the long run done. A statistic from this run is that I burned 1944 calories. I earned the chocolate pud today. Sarah is really unwell today, its as if she has another gallstone stuck. She really does not want this. So, after a 20 mile run I was on children duty. Which brings me to, todays advise. Do a marathon, triathlon, whatever before you have kids. One, because your body is more able to take the training, and two, you really do have more time in a day when your younger.
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Andy Curtis
Another challenging week. It was meant to be a recovery week with less km's than last week. I have also substituted runs with sessions on the bike in the garage. So Monday was actually 50mins on the turbo trainer and Friday was a Run/Bike session. The best for the week was Thursday nights Club Handicap run (see DMVAC link). The handicap race is a 5.5km, 2 loop run through Dorking/Pixham. Last month, having never done it before I had a really good handicap and came in 2nd. This week my handicap had another minute added on and I came in 5th. 5.5km in 22:55 With a time like that I could not stop extrapolating from it get to a 10km time of 42mins. Thats 4 mins faster than I have actually achieved. If only I could do it for real!
This week ends long run was 15 miles, it should have been easy compared to the 32km last week or next week. But, I don't know if its the Thursday night session or the cycling, it sure did not feel easy, and I was glad to get it over with.
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Andy Curtis
Back in December when I said, 'As Hard as it gets', I never imagined a week like this. It all started on Monday, Sarah was due to go into hospital for a gallbladder operation. Instead she went into Casualty and was admitted for gallstones in the bile duct. What this means is Sarah was the same colour as Homer Simpson and feeling terrible. She has spent the last week in St Helier hospital waiting for an ERCP which I am more than glad to say she had done on Thursday, but wished could have been done earlier.
The kids are on half term this week, so I drove them half way to Cornwall on Sunday and swapped 3 children for 1 mother-in-law (fair trade?). Then this week was the first week of my new work contract and I also had to fit in 80km of training. So the schedule this week has been, up at 7am, run 8km to 12.8km, home, shower, breakfast, hospital, work, home, hospital, home, phone, bed, sleep .......... Thank God for having my mother-in-law to stay, or I would not have eaten and would not have had the energy to this weeks running.Saturday was my long run and not having done a long run for the last 2 weekends I was keen to get one done. The plan called for a 32km (20 mile) run and thats what I managed to do. Don't feel too bad for it either. My knees are not too sore, energy levels were good whilst I ran and another week of the plan is ticked off. The first of a series of 80km weeks. Long runs are not easy to find time for and recovery time is equally hard to get when shopping needs to be done.
Sunday I drove half way to Cornwall again to pick the kids up and my sister-in-law and my niece and we have all come back to Surrey for the next week. After this I did the final run of the week, a short 8km run. The heart rate monitor showed high readings, but the run did not feel that difficult. Maybe a lack of glycogen I don't know, it was all a bit strange.
So back in December when I said it was 'as hard as it gets', I had no idea that the hardest week was yet to come, and it was not going to be made hard by the weather but by general life things that training needs to be fitted around.
Roll on next week.
Posted by
Andy Curtis