At one end of me, I have 2 legs. I know, and they are wonderful things, but at the top end of me is a brain. Brain is not so big and can’t handle the constant barrage of thoughts that happens when I try to swim. High elbow, rotate shoulders, reach, catch, pull, push, S shape, head down, breathe in, breathe out, use your core muscles, holy crap I’m so slow, is that a cramp in my foot, I’ll never be able to swim 1500m, I’ll never be able to swim 1900m, yuck that water does not taste good, follow the bubbles, glide, angle your hand on entry, enter just above your head, aghhhh water up my nose, water in my goggles, I feel tired. Well in all of this my brain appears to have forgotten about Legs. Poor legs. Until last night. Daaaaa daaaaaa, I remembered to kick my legs and did I detect a new gear? It sure felt like a speed improvement. You see I normally kick slowly, the idea being, triathlon swimmers kick slow to conserve energy for the bike/run. Well that’s what I thought I had read, but there is an awful lot of people swimming with a faster leg action than me, going faster than me and swimming further than me, so I figure I can speed it up. Go legs go, welcome to the swimming party.