Saturday, 14 April 2007

The State of the Toes Address to the Nation

My Fellow Runners, Americans & Human Beings .....

For those that have suffered my boring 'goings on', I frequently tell people about my toes. Well one particular toe actually. My left big toe. It's a beasty and I do not like it. It's somehow, maybe injury, I don't know, but its gone and got itself Arthritis and basically doesn't bend. It bugs me a lot and it is very tender, so if anyone knocks it, I cry like a baby. But the other toes have been given a bit of a battering recently with the long runs over the tracks of Boxhill and are beginning to form a 'toe union', joined by their common suffering. A couple of toes on the right have 'gone to join the dark side'. They went like this last September after the New Forest marathon and never really got back to normal.
So on Sunday I will be rubbing Pain relief gel into the my big toe joint and will do battle with the toes. I will pound them, I will stub them and I will expect them to do their best.
'Toes, failure is not an option, you will not complain, you will not let me down. Remember, pain is only temporary'.

Training Update

Its time to taper, and I have wholeheartedly committed myself to tapering. 8km on Tuesday and 10km on Thursday. But the 10km on Thursday was with the club and with a group, not having run in a group for sometime now it was good to do it again. I felt good, not tired, and ran faster than I would on my own. Did intend to run on the weekend but did not do that either. Well I did run around a Lake in flipflops looking for the kids who were late for a tennis lesson!