Thursday, 29 March 2007

Bike shoe or Running shoe?

According to the plan this week ends with a 22 mile run. The last long run before the event. Hooray! Sometimes I have looked forward to one of these long runs, but right now, I will be glad when this one is over and done.

As for the shorter mid week runs. Well they have turned into sessions on the bike in the garage. Bit of a beasty piece of work to do at the moment and then lots of picking Oliver or Daniel up from footy or friends to be done. So by the time I am free to do anything its 9pm and time to plug the Ipod in, goto the utility and decide on a shoe. Bike or running shoe? Bike has been winning each night this week.

Must say thanks to Jill Feenan this week. Out of the blue, Jill sent be a photo of me at University in my orienteering gear. Ahhhhhhh, it really should be destroyed, but just to show I have no ego here it is. The boys asked, 'Daddy, why has your mobile phone got such a big aerial?' (boys, mobiles were not invented when this picture was taken) and 'how could you have hair like that?', whilst Sarah asked, 'how did we ever get married'. I just want to know, what the heck am I wearing? Is it early wicking material or just plain nylon? Either way the static charge could probably power the giant phone.

Well look at that. I just read one of my first posts. I had a BPM in the 150-160 range. Today that BPM is in the 140's Cool and a good use for a Blog. Things have been getting better.

This week has ended with a 22 mile run. Thank God I don't have to do another one of those before the event. Theres no 2 ways about it, they are hard. Towards the end your body is screaming, 'STOP', and your head shouts, 'Why are you doing this', how you continue I don't know. This 22 mile ended at the bottom of Boxill, so I still had a 2 mile hike up the hill and back home. I guess its good to walk off all that lactate built up in your muscles!

Phil, if that was you on the A24 on that cool looking bike? Nice bike, nice shades, and we must go for a training ride after I recover from this marathon.