The weather turned colder this week and the train service into London took a nose dive. I guess the rain from last week softened the ground up, and then there was a landslide up the line. So no trains to Waterloo all week, ohhh joy. The consequence of this is, Monday getting home was a nightmare. Tuesday I gave up before starting and went home for the day (probably the best idea all week). The rest of the week I got the train into Victoria and walked across London, the good point about this is that I get 60 minutes fast walking per day and in the cold sunny morning its quite pleasant striding past Buckingham Palace and down the Mall.

Training is going good at the moment. Tuesday, 8 mile run, Wed Masters swim session. I got some new toys for my birthday. Swim fins , pull buoy and paddles. Great fun. Fins mean you rocket down the pool, flutter kick on my back is the most restful, even practicing butterfly kick, which is a total first. Felt good with the pull buoy as well, I think I am developing more upper body strength as I am nowhere near as tired after a swim session as I used to be. Phil (swim coach) tells me the paddles are good for developing your stroke, if you get your stroke right you can really feel it, but they also tire you out quicker. Looking forward to playing more with these things. So I lead the lane all evening. The ladies pushed me to the front and followed me. Which means you need to count lengths and remember what strokes/drill your meant to be doing and not hold anyone up. Ohhhh the pressure. But hey, 1 year ago (and not that many swim sessions) I was at the back struggling to keep up and getting short of breathe.
Tuesdays 8 mile run was a Ballbuster curcuit, nice country road, bit of sandy/muddy track running. Ohhhh its good to be alive, ohhh hold on, I should be at work earning some money! Strange running is. I get to about 4 miles and feel like I can't carry on, then do carry on, grunt my way up Boxhill and then get a second wind at the top for a fast run back home. Heartrate was up in the 160's virtually all the way so this was a good session, if I can just do this in March I will be pleased.
Tuesdays 8 mile run was a Ballbuster curcuit, nice country road, bit of sandy/muddy track running. Ohhhh its good to be alive, ohhh hold on, I should be at work earning some money! Strange running is. I get to about 4 miles and feel like I can't carry on, then do carry on, grunt my way up Boxhill and then get a second wind at the top for a fast run back home. Heartrate was up in the 160's virtually all the way so this was a good session, if I can just do this in March I will be pleased.