Sunday, 22 July 2007

Daniel comes for a run

For a couple of weeks now, Daniel has been asking if he can come for a run. Was it me that inspired him, or was it the school athletics day and all his mates running. I believe its his mates, but I might just like to think I helped a little bit.

So we went for a run in a break in the rain. We drove to the Viewpoint carpark and set off from there to a place I call the secret viewpoint. Its just over a mile through the woods and brings you out at another viewpoint looking north and west. Dan and I had a great run there and back. The tracks were wet and squidgey, ohhhh it must be summer! But we did not mind that, we ran and chatted and dodged puddles.

Well done Daniel, 'You ARE a runner'.

Sunday and I decided to follow a 81km route that takes in the major hills in the area. Is this wise? Ummmm, I don't know. Now I have always had a problem with those red triangle signs showing the hill coming up, they mean nothing to me. I couldn't tell you if 10% is steep or not or if 10% is steeper than 20%. I have no clue about them. So today when I saw on the map 21% it meant nothing. Nothing until I tried to cycle up it! Now I know that 21% means your heartrate goes up over 160bpm, that your speed drops to 1 mph, that your legs burn, it means that I have met my match. Winterfold hill. I kept going until I had to stop. I tried to get going again but fell off whilst trying to clip in, so I walked to a flat section, got going and caved again 70m from the top. What a nightmare hill. I continued on with the route until I got to Chilworth, then turned for Albury and the A25 to Dorking and up Boxhill again for 81.5km in total.

Ohhh, yeah .... and I got wolf whistled at! Ha, it was before Winterfold 'the destroyer' hill, made me laugh, must be the 'leotard', I mean cycling gear.