Not alot going on at the moment, back from holiday and no work so I should be able to get a bit of training done. However, I have been looking for work and taking a long needed go at the garden. It's all left me feeling a little weak, poor thing! I did make it to the running club for the last speedwork session, knackering followed by a bike back up the hill in the dark. Two things came out from that ride. 1, my little LED light does not light up very much, 2, my brain did overtime thinking about beasties in the woods all stalking me as I huffed and puffed my way up the hill. I also got a ride with Phil, after hijacking his commute home which was good, well good for me, afraid I filled him with dread and fear about a Cornish sea swim in May! Still the Gods paid me back with a good bout of food poisoning that night, and I can't say I have been right since.
Monday 17th I tried a run. Did 8km around Boxhill and the heartrate was up into the 165 range, which is way, way, way too high. So I am ill, unfit and a whinger. Must get over it.
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Back from Holiday
Posted by Andy Curtis at 08:03