Sunday 3rd Feb, 10:30am and the gun went, well it didn't. There was no klaxon either, just the guy on the tannoy saying 'go, go, go now'. I thought we were still just int he moving forward stage where the pens move forwards. So we were off. I did this race 2 years ago. I was going to comeback and do it last year but Sarah was ill with the beginning of her gallbladder problems, so I never made it. Today I was there, 5 degrees C, cloudy and blustery wind. This 1/2 marathon is a big event with nearly 2000 runners. I had met a chap in the HQ hall earlier who had just started running and had a London Marathon entry in April. We had a chat about Garmins and HRM's and walked to the start together.
The pace felt good as we headed out of the park. At 1 mile we we going up hill through a housing estate. Soon we were out into the country lanes and crossing the M25. Now I can't remember the order of things here, but there are a number of hills in this run. Fun as I did not remember them being so big! There are at least 3 that are steep. Proper steep, the pack slows right down, and some people sound like they are never going to make it, but they do, and worse, they overtake you!
One lady in a FLM shirt overtook me, and glanced back at me. She breathe was laboured and I wandered how she was going to make the distance. I gave a little bit speed and went ahead but before long I could hear her behind me. Somewhere near 8 miles she was still there. I put a serious bit of effort in and sped up for about 400 yds, cutting through the field. Its such a shame I can't run like that for the whole race. That managed to drop her.
The wind gusted and whenever I felt it coming I looked for someone to shelter behind. See all that cycling has led to me getting tactical! I think this was a good strategy, it was a bit like drafting and I had to watch that I did not trip on their heels. Then when they were a bit slow I would look for someone coming through to bridge the gap to the next group ahead. Ohhhh I am sounding like a cyclist.
The hills kept coming and I was feeling tired, but I managed to push on through the last 2 miles. The last 800yds is back in the park, with the last 400yds a long straight to the finish. Time for the final, final push, give it all I have left. 'you can collapse after the line!'. I gave it everything and flew down the lane, thinking about speedwork sessions at Pixham and not being about to keep up the pace for a whole lap! Keep going, nearly there and I was passing people. 100yds and someone else tried to push on as I came up to him, I saw him and pushed more. I crossed the line ahead of him and hit the button on my Garmin. 1:40:56 about 20 seconds slower than 2 years ago I think. I wanted to do 1:39 something but 1:40:56 is good.
Need to go off and check my splits/heartrate. A good run, but hilly.
1322 cals, 22.83km (on my Garmin), avg HR 158bpm, max HR 190bpm, avg pace 4:25/km (7.06/mile)