A few weeks ago, Sarah began her campaign to have an October holiday. 'Curtis, these things get booked up quickly', 'we need to get on the case'. So I set her a challenge. 'If you cycle UP Boxhill we will go away in October'.
Then I drew up a training plan, starting with a gentle cycle to the viewpoint coffee shop and building to a full ascent of Boxhill. This I stuck on the fridge door.
Here is a view from halfway up Boxhill. It's almost alpine and zigzags up about 500ft I guess.
Sarahs Training Week 1 - The UP Boxhill Challenge
This week was the first week of Sarah's training, and she IS doing it. Sunday afternoon Sarah and the boys cycled across Headley Heath, Monday Sarah cycled to the coffee shop and back.Wednesday she did it again, and Sarah tells me, 'it's easy, no problem'. Excellent news. I'm so pleased and so proud that Sarah has taken up the challenge, the plan now has 2 ticks on it and I am sure there will be a lot more. More on Sarahs training to follow ............
My training.
I was a bit sore after Watford, so decided to do some turbo sessions. So out to the garage I went. On Monday and Tuesday I did 37 minutes at a cadence of 80-90, with a a few minutes of standing and pedalling. Wednesday was swimming night and test out the new goggles. These are the goggles that when they arrived and I messed about with them for an evening I nearly sent back as I found them uncomfortable. But on Wednesday they were great, not uncomfortable, did not pinch, and did not leak either. Hurray! Currently looking to do a long run on Sunday. Got to build up the distance as the Ballbuster is 16miles of running. But before that I have a 100km bike ride as well. The Spring must have sprung!
Thursday, 7 February 2008
*** Excellent News *** The training starts now
Posted by
Andy Curtis