63.23 miles, 4:01:25, 15.7mph avg, 37.1mph max, 148bpm avg HR, 3500ft ascent/descent, 2615 calories, 1200ml High 5 4:1 mix, 4 energy gels, 1/2 energy bar, 1 banana
Man that was tough.
8:30am we all met at Robins house before the start. We all rode together to the start and after registration we all began together, but that was the last time we saw each other together. So how did that happen? Well Robin, what can I say a legend and very competitive set the pace and within 1/2 mile the pack was split. Robin, Andy Fay and I went off the front, chatted about dropping back with the others, but it didn't happen. We were off. Shortly after Effingham and the hills began. I somehow managed to stick with Robin across the North downs hills, even in my proudest moment managed to be in the right gear at the bootom of a hill and half way up managed to overtake him. But not for long! By the time we got to Abinger Hammer he had dropped me and was off. I then spent the next miles alone catching some people and being overtaken by others. Occasionally a group would go past but I had no chance of hanging on the back of them. Martin came up at about 20 something miles and we worked together, catching another rider who joined in, in an attempt to catch Robin who was up ahead. But at a corner they accelerated out of it and dropped me. At the halfway point I rode up to find Martin did catch Robin. Had a banana, then Andy Fay came in. I guess we were at the stopping point for 10 minutes and off again. The idea was to work as a group of 4 and pile on. We did work quite well together and the benefit of working together was awesome. But the hills started and I got dropped off the back. This hill was a 'Winterfold Hill' look alike,
it went on and on and kicked up towards the end. I was in bottom gear, standing and desparately trying to get up the hill. Then there not being any weight on the back wheel it slipped and my speed fell off, just like my first attempt at Winterfold Hill. I hopped off and walked the last 30 metres to the top. (Bum). Back on the bike and off again. At some point there was a long descent and a left turn. Well the London Dynamos train of 4 did something wrong and there were riders flagging everyone to slow down. I took the corner slowly and saw the riders had just about got themselves out of the ditch. I piled on and saw Andy Fay up ahead. I eventually caught him up and we cycled together until another hill when I again got dropped. The London Dynamo train over took us, an awesome sight to see them and the sound, amazing. From there on I saw Andy and sometimes Martin up head, but never managed to catch either of them, even at Albury where they had to wait for the railway crossing and I came along. After Albury, and across the A25 there was Coombe Bottom hill. Ahhhhhhhh, a long climb. Up ahead someone fell off in front of me, after the long climb comes a hairpin bend and another kick up to the summit. Photographer on the corner got a picture of me,
I told him 'I'm not looking my best'. As by this point I was out of all energy gels, nearly out of drink and only half an energy bar left (which is hard to eat with siliva). I forced myself to get up the final incline, overtook another rider just before the summit and then sped off across Ranmore. Yeeeee haaaaaaaa, I made it. So chuffed. But in my mind I knew that there was another hill that tey could send us up. For about 2 miles I lived in fear! Then I past the junction. (There is a god). Coming back along the main road towards Effingham and Fetcham I started to watch the clock. Believing it was 60 miles I thought I was coming in under 4hrs. As the miles past and the clock ticked towards 4 hrs I wandered where te finish was. 4hrs past and 60miles went past. Then I was in Fethcham and stormed to a strong finish and met the others. Robin was about 15minutes ahead of me and Martin/Andy were not far behind. Cake all around.
Sunday, 24 February 2008
The day I discovered 100km is not 60miles
Posted by
Andy Curtis