Monday, 20 July 2009

Fwd: Last big week ...... or ill?

Last week was to be the last big week of training for me. Did not start well though when I did not get out for any evening sessions, thinking, 'I'll have to hammer myself at the weekend'. I did run each lunchtime though. Come Saturday, I started feeling lethargic, tired, weak and later on a headache started. I mooched about all day never having the energy to get up and go out, even took to my bed in the afternoon. So much for hammering myself this weekend. Sunday I felt a bit better, but prudently did not do any training. Monday and I feel OK again. Big sigh of relief, I did suspect swine flu or some other virus but it appears to have been fatigue.

The TT forum is full of postings from people doing their last big weeks and publishing their hours of training. It all makes me feel inadequate and wander if I will make it around. I was starting to think I would and that I had done the minimum needed, but now I'm not sure again. Still what will be will be and I can't change it in the next 2 weeks.

Here are my totals. Remember I started this plan back in December, initially training up for the London marathon


Swim 37 hours

Bike 41 hours

Run 81 hours

Which might not look too bad, but that's over 7 months and I think it looks lightweight, especially on the bike. Notable achievements in this have been the London marathon, swimming 3750m in the lake and the long rides across to Aldershot with Andy Fay and the solo effort down to Shoreham/Worthing. The low point must be the Arundel/Worthing ride where I just ran out of steam.

I shall run this week at lunchtimes and swim on Wednesday and probably ride next Sunday, but nothing too hard.