Feb 15th, was that really the last time I put something up here? Well hows the training going? I can't say good. In fact not good at all! Just when you think you have no work, you get a contract in Belgium. So? Well getting to and from Belgium takes a long time and whilst there working long hours leaves me thinking, I just have not got the energy.
I have run a couple of times in Belgium, for about 8km runs, and at a good pace. It is so incredibly flat that there is nothing to break your momentum, so a good pace is easier to do. I even went swimming in the local pool. Not a great experience, I'm sure the opening hours are shorter so the pool was very busy.
Then after Belgium, I got a call to goto Paris, I'm a Eurostar convert now. So that was a week, 3 days with a 4hr commute then a 5am Eurostar to Paris, long day and overnight there and back late on Friday.
I then got a 24km run in last Monday, before, yes you guessed it, getting a Eurostar to Belgium. In all of this, I had a mile walk to a hotel with the obligatory suitcase on wheels that you see every consultant with, this and a laptop bag have replaced the briefcase of the past. The walk did not do my foot any good and it is sore. The 24km did it no favours and bought my knee out in sympathy. All this week I have been resting it and it feels a bit better now. So time to give it a run!
What with all these work commitments and the time it takes up, I have been thinking that to get time at weekends to do some long runs and later on the long rides. Well it's not going to happen and that then means I am not going to be able to do the marathon, so why don't I just quit now and give up? Spending all week away then all weekend training, it's not fair on my family and it's hard to get the time. Sophie misses me all week, she makes me cards and lays out a bun for me when I come home. Bless her. Maybe it would be sensible to quit?

Whilst running I had another thought. Just do the training that you can. I am not breaking any records, I'm just 'having a go'. So if I don't get all the training in, then tough luck and I will have to walk. But 'it's better to have tried and failed than not to have tried at all'.
So thats the plan. I don't know how much longer I will be commuting to Europe or doing long commutes or missing my master swim sessions (not been for 3 weeks now), and I am just going to keep doing what I can and 'have a go'.