Sunday, 15 February 2009

A return to the 20 milers

The plan, the plan, that spreadsheet of torture called for the first long run to be done this weekend. The first 20 miler. I did this before, 2 years ago (here), this time I have a new strategy. This time I am just running 8 mile loops. So that will be 3 loops then. First loop was fine, second was OK, third was hard and I cut it short to take a shortcut back up the North side of Boxhill.

It was good to achieve this run though. Since last Saturday my coccyx has hurt, but only when I sit on it, which is what I do most of the week. So the first long run is done, yeee haaa.

This week I have been commuting a long way and I thought it better to give the coccyx a rest, so did not run until Wednesday when I did a short 5km to try it out. That was OK, so I went swimming. That was fine until we learnt tumble turns. I'm a believer now. I love them, but they make your coccyx hurt.

Thursday I ran the scheduled 9.6km, Friday I rested before Saturdays long run and Sunday I swam in the 50m K2 pool at Crawley, awesome pool, awesome tumbleturns and only a couple of pints of water flushed my nostrils out, still slow though, really must get some muscles.

Bring on next week, drag up a cushion you 'couch of doomers', make yourself real comfortable.