I respect gardeners. In my opinion, gardening is harder than swimming, biking or running. I know because I spent 4 hours cutting the tops off some beeches. With the job half done I was, dehydrated, lacked any energy, felt cold and ached all over. Honest it's worse than a marathon. So next time that mild mannered retired gentleman looks over the fence with pruning shears in hand, give him some respect because gardening is right up there with endurance sports.
Today I thought I had better put in some training. I have not done anything all week and feel bad for it. Not got on the turbo trainer or anything, now what sort of base training is that? Rubbish base training thats what. So today I started by swimming. 2000m in Dorking swimming pool, then when the rain stopped off for a 8 mile run. I even met another runner today. The Ballbuster is next weekend and so there are people running and biking the course. Now I feel better, well mentally anyway and I have put in some training 'so you don't have to'.
Finally, a huge thank you to Merk, Gianpaul and 'that fat northern bloke' for sponsoring me this week, I have sent CD's in the post. Ha ha ha, you may not want them but I have a load of them taking up room. No honest they really are crap CD's, you won't be disappointed!