Thursday, 2 October 2008

Post New Forest MD Triathlon

Did I say, 'I could not have gone any further', a couple of Sundays ago?  'did I really have problems walking properly on the following Monday?  I can't remember any of that.  All I recall is having a good time and sitting here now thinking when can I do another?  Guess I'll have to wait until next year.  Hold on, 'wait'?  No I mean 'train' until next year. I feel a yearning to run tracks again, ipod in, camelback on and a crisp, sunny day.
Last night I returned to the swimming pool.  I hopped into lane 2 and started the warm up, but the leader was powering along too fast for me.  So instead of having to swim (flawl around) as fast as I could to try and keep from being lapped and getting on everyones wick, I hopped out and into lane 1 again.  It's so much more relaxed in lane 1 and I led the group for the hour.  What do I need to do to keep up with the lane 2 people?  Whats the missing ingredient?  Maybe it's strength? After all I am Mr Puniverse, maybe it's the size of my hands.  Probably not, probably more to do with technique. 
I bought myself a present.  I now have a pair of aerobars.  The hope is that if I use aerobars I won't get the backache on the run.  Nice theory, lets see what happens in practice.  So now I am watching 'You Tube' videos to find out how to position them.