Today was the last of my long runs before London and was a good test for me to see how the lack of training had affected me.
The Cranleign 21 has an added bonus of an opt out at 15miles in case it's all going horribly wrong.
I arrived just about in time to get a carparking space and headed for the toilets and start line. On the way I bumped into loads of people from DMVAC.
From the off I set off at a 8min/mile pace, and managed to get ahead of this pace to get some 'time in the bank'. The second mile clicked by in less than 16 minutes and the pain in my ankle started to go. I did 10 miles in 1:18, half marathon in 1:43 and reached 15 miles in under 2hrs, I was still ahead of 8min/mile pace.
At 15 miles I was starting to feel some pain, but had promised myself I would do the 21 miles, so I carried right on going.
I stuck to my strategy of a gel every 40 minutes and took the paracetamol. Around about 17 miles I was suffering. Painful quads and a blister on my left big toe. 18 miles and I was digging in, took the last gels and told myself only 5km to go. By now I was having trouble adding up and couldn't work out if my split time was ahead of 8min/mile still.
10 times 8 = 80
8 times 8 = 64
80 + 64 = 144
144 minutes = 2 hrs 24 minutes
I was behind pace, where did all that time in the bank go? I guess I was now doing nearer 9min/mile pace and just hanging in there.
At 19 miles I started to worry was there 2 miles to go? Or do I have to run a mile AFTER seeing the marker, was it 3 miles? Quick have a debate with yourself! 2 miles to go, yes it is, it as to be.
It was! The 21 mile marker went by, the crowds clapped and the last 200 metres was in sight. A good surge and finish strong. I finished in around 2:51 I am happy with this, under 3 hours is good by me. 2:51 is about 8:15/mile which gives a marathon time of 3:35 ish.
Official Results
Place Bib Name Cat Club Time
190 135 CURTIS, Andy VM40 Dorking Mole Valley AC 2:51:28 AM
If I do the London Marathon in 3:35ish I will be over joyed, somehow I don't think I will manage that.
Move over on the couch of doom, I am joining you for the afternoon.
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Cranleigh 21
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
I'm still going .........
I'm still going. In fact I'm starting to feel stronger. The coccyx issue is behind me (ha ha, get it, behind me!), and the knee problem has gone. I have kept up the long runs, even did a 3 hour treadmill session. Must admit I hit a wall on that one, I just did not sort out my nutrition for it. So I absolutely suffered on that one. Midweek I have been missing any decent runs again. But last Saturday I got a motivation boost. One of Sophies school friends dad is training for the London Marathon and contacted me to see if I wanted to go for a long run together. Sure thing! So we did a flat 16 mile loop from Reigate, down to Leigh and Newdigate. It was great and I felt strong throughout. So with my new super motivation, I have kept it up this week with a gym session on Monday, 8km run on Tuesday, a swim and a run today on Wednesday, and I'm feeling good.
Good for me.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Sunday, 8 March 2009
ohhhh doom gloom and thoughts of quiting

Posted by
Andy Curtis