Are you all comfortable on the 'couch of doom'? Paid the dues and feeling good about laying back whilst I get on with the training? Well, maybe you shouldn't get too comfortable! Even I have been thinking that it is time to do a run. Any run will do.

What have I been doing? Laying on the 'couch of doom' feet up. Ummmm, now would I do that? Yep, too right I would. What I have been doing is swimming. 100 lengths is becoming a new goal to achieve for each session, and I know I can't swim the marathon, but it's good for your 'core strength' and I think there is something is building that up more so I can keep my manly torso : ) above my legs as they whir around in a blur. I have also been in the garage on the turbo trainer. Turbo training is good base training. Then today, just because it is probably the worst weather we have had recently, I thought I should run again. So zero degrees, rain, snow on the ground, I set off for 8 miles across the heath and back up the hill, (OK, start to feel good about laying on the couch again).
Not showing you the speed graph. It's too slow. Carry on like this and I will not be breaking a 4hr marathon.
This graph of elevation is good as I started and finished from home, but apparently my house has gone downhill whilst I was out. I don't remember an earthquake.
Next week I should see the new toy arrive. A treadmill. Apparently Ollie, Dan and I are all going to be running on it all the time and I hope to see my training improve.
Enjoy the 'couch of doom'.