I'm surprised it taken me so long to make a post with this title. I shuld have been training hard for the last month and beginning a tapering period in preparation for the New Forest Middle Distance Triathlon. In reality what I am doing is, no training.
All the time I was planning on riding to the beach or running to the beach has past and we hardly went to the beach. Last time I holiday in Cornwall.
I have managed a few runs with the dog. It's interesting to run with a dog, you would think they are fit young things that keep going all day. But in reality they get tired just like you do. In fact I think humans have more stamina than a dog (for dog read jack russell with long legs and scruffy hair!) So thats my training. Not good and can only leave one conclusion for the upcoming triathlon, and that is ouch, it's going to hurt.
Saturday, today I went for a bike ride, the first in about a month. I headed out and soon hit the hills. On my way down from Ranmore I saw Phil, so doubled back and tagged along with him for a while, then off headed for Leith hill, and then the 'flat lands' the other side of the A24. 42 miles later and I was going back up Pebblecombe Hill. Don't usually go this way, but thought I would give it a go. Pebblecombe Hill is a 16% hill and it was hard going after 42 miles. Still I made it and got home.
Not the 56 miles of a middle distance triathlon which is a bit worrying, but what can you do? 2 more weeks to cram as much in as I can, then taper and hope for the best.
Friday, 29 August 2008
It's all gone horribly wrong
Posted by
Andy Curtis