Wednesday, 5 March 2008

RE: Continued manflu

Continued manflu

Thought I might get a chance to do a long run at the weekend, but manflu continued. I thought I was in a getting over it stage, so as not to ‘bring it back on’ I decided the rest would be better. Consequently, no long run. Instead we went to see Brainiac Live in Wimbledon. Sarah had found out about this and we all went on Saturday afternoon. A good show, full of bangs, flashes and audience participation. A bit like a pantomime really. The kids loved it, even Sophie who probably thinks it’s magic.

Sunday I took Oliver to his rugby match and messed about on the side line with Daniel, who was there to see if he wanted to do rugby in the future. We were hoping that the sight of these 13 year olds, and some of them are the same size as me, charging down the pitch like rhinoceros would put him off, but apparently not! Can’t see it myself, in fact I couldn’t see myself stopping some of the oppositions forwards, they literally are the same size as me. Daniel would be flattened trying to stop one of them, theres no way. Even Oliver looked a bit cautious of them. So he has got some common sense!

After that it was all back home. Sarah had gone to the ballet with Sophie in Worthing, so we had all afternoon to do homework, hoovering, tidying, cleaning, washing, quilt covers & cooking to impress Sarah and to give her a break from the jobs she does when we are all at school or work. No long run today then. But then the manflu is still there. Can’t say I feel fit and healthy yet.