Friday, 22 December 2006

Good news

I was extremely lucky to get a Flora London Marathon entry from the running club DMVAC. So I'm in and the training focus for the next 4 months is set. Now I need to dust off my marathon training plan and set to work.

The idea of running a marathon does not seem so impossible when you have done 1 already, but its still a big goal. The only way to get there is to have a plan and mine is 4 months long building to a 22 mile training run before the 26.2 miles to be done on the day. The plan allows you to focus on 1 week at a time and as you go through it you look back to see what you have achieved so far, and forward the goal does not seem so unobtainable.

I will be aiming for a 3:30 time. Bit worried about crowds and not being able to get the right pace, bit worried about the toe joint, but looking forward to doing some long trail runs around Boxhill, and Ranmore.

I have a new goal, that is a stepping stone to the larger goal of an Ironman.