Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Ironman Copenhagen - Ollies Big Day

Back in 2006 I wrote In the Beginning and Making my Mark this weekend these posts came right back to me as Ollie completed Ironman Copenhagen.  Not only did he complete it, he smashed it and smashed the best time I ever did.

The batton is passed 😀 Ollie is "The New Ironman".  It is my joy to pass on the batton.  It bought out all the emotion of an Ironman and more seeing my eldest son put in the training effort for 3 years, the joy of him getting fitter and leaner.  How he dealt with 2 cancelled events and still remained committed to his goal and now he has shown me how an Ironman should be done.

Congratulations Ollie, you know how proud you have made mum and I, well us all.  The tears we all had were pure joy of your achievement.   

I admit to being jealous of you Ollie, you have everything that it takes to have a great time like 10:44:36.  You committed to the training better than I ever did, you have better technique and ability than me and I couldn't be more happy to have been beaten.  I am jealous, I wanted that feeling to cross the finishing line again, to feel the fatigue to wear a wetsuit and to be on the aerobars.