The news today ...... a late posting, I found it in the drafts
today your blogger discovered that a well known cornish farmer has got serious about swimming.
For years Pat had a distinguished badmington career, playing for Cornwall and always rescuing that shot that looked like dying in the back corner. Not that this is his only sport, golf is another sport he is known for. Playing with the same clubs for over 40 years he takes glee in whooping anyone with titanium mega clubs.
But the sports don't end there, squash maybe a natural alternative to badmington, and squash gave Pat the opportunity to thrash and beat and pulverise all young upstarts. Hogging the 'T' he would make the young 20 somethings run from corner to corner and back to front and then walk off without even breaking a sweat. 'If you want to marry my daugther you have to work for it my boy .....'.
But from his early surfing days in the cold, cold, cold cornish sea on that 4ft piece of plyboard, he got use to the cold, cold, cold sea and often swam from the beach, again leaving younger men quivering and shivering, so what would stop him from swimming in a swimming pool?
Well it seems lyrca might have held him back, but not now. This cornish farmer, out in the fields in all weathers for hours at a time. This boiler suit wearing, gumboot wearing 'Ironman' from Cornwall, has discovered his softer side and can now be found in Helston Swimming pool wearing a lycra speedo. 'I find they give much less drag', he told this blogger.
Bring on the swim cap