'Before starting/modifying your training consult a doctor ..... ' the sign says. What it does not say is,'assembling this treadmill, can lead to injury .....'.
In assembling the treadmill there was a particularly difficult bit that needed some force. In forcing it, I pulled, sprained, bruised my left moob. Well it was a tad sore but I did not think anything of it and continued on, until Wednesday's swimming. By 50 mins into the swim I had a pain in my moob. By the time I went to bed I was having trouble everytime I flexed the muscle. The next day any sneeze or cough was pain and it felt like I could not get a decent breath. Various diagnoses then took place, from a bit of a bruise, to punctured lung, cracked rib, and sprain. So I took a neurofen, seemed to help and today it feels almost pain free again.
I was doing well until then. Running on the treadmill and swimming so it was a shame for this to happen.
Still another week ahead