Wednesday, 30 July 2008

The Week Before Hayle Sprint Triathlon

On Sunday I will do my 2nd ever triathlon.  It's a sprint tri, and some might say, 'it's not a proper distance'.  Well get over it.  I reckon that with a 750m open water swim, a bike and run course with hills that its a serious sprint tri.

Unlike last year I do not feel worried about the swim.  I now have a proper tri wetsuit and have been swimming in open water/Dorking pool enough to have gotten over a concern about 750m.  So I am hoping to better my swim time this year, the proof will be in the times.

Weather wise it sucks.  Right now its as windy as can be and raining as well.  Is it really the end of July?

The primary thought on my mind is not about this triathlon, it's more about the New Forest Middle Tri in Sept and the amount of training I'm not doing for this event, but even more than this is the constant thoughts about my left big toe. 

Everyone has an Achilles' heel (well maybe Chris Mac Cormack doesn't) and this is mine.  I have been ignoring it for 3 years, moaning about it but doing nothing about it.  But it's definitely worse now.  I'm not going to whinge on, but I will be going to the doctors and getting something done. The time has come.

hallux rigidus