The weekend came the trainers beckoned me. 'Come running, come running', they whispered. First I had a car exhaust to deal with, so it was not leap in the car and drive to a lake at 6am, it was ring around the exhaust fitters and find somewhere with the part. Kwikfit it was, so bike in the back of the car I drove to Kwikfit left the car and cycled back up the hill for 30 mins cycling. Why is it even with fresh legs people cruise past me going up this hill? What do you need to do to improve at it? The rest of the day was gardening, housework, teaching Sophie to ride (well done Sophie, you will be my triathlete), and buying gerbils. Well what else do you do on a Saturday? The car never came back as Kwikfit couldn't get the exhaust part until Monday. Grrrrr, cars, what a pain. Saturday evening and I did that run for just over an hour, felt good not like last week.
Sunday was the Brockham Badgers FC big tournament and I was on parking duty, (no Daddies Day lay in for me). No, 7am on my bike (only one car remember) down to Brockham, where I stayed until mid afternoon doing parking and watching Dan play footy. This is an amazingly big event done each year and it really is amazing to see what can be done all by volunteers. Instead of cycling home again, I took the long route south out of Brockham, Blackborough, Dorking, Ranmore, Westhumble, Leatherhead, Fetcham, Bookham, some road to Shere and take a left up a great long hill (ahhh I remember this hill now, its got a flint bridge over it, and I almost lost the will to live going up it when I followed the 'Legs of Steel' route), then back along Ranmore, down to Dorking, back up Boxhill. Quite nice really, hills at Blackborough, Ranmore, Fetcham, 'that road' and Boxhill.
Then I could get a 'Daddies Day' rest! (should have done a brick run really!)