'I have a dream ...... I have a plan ...... but I am a big girlpants'.
I could get up early in the morning and go for a run, is 5:30 too early? I could run at lunchtime, but I don't, I work through to get stuff done. I could run after work, but what if someone sees me in a pair of running shorts? I could run/bike/swim when I get home, but after 2 hrs driving my desire to get up and do something is low. I have even missed 2 masters swim sessions now. I am a girlpants, I can imagine any excuse possible to not do something and yet I know if I don't do it I am on a road to failure/disaster/pain. Consequently this is the second week I have been looking at my plan and seeing sessions slip past and no effort put in. Thats all base thats not getting done, I need that base. '5 miles is a hard run for me at the moment, come on ..... get your motivation back'.
What a loser.
On a positive note. Sophie can ride her bike now, she has cycled unaided. Woooooooooo, she is going to be a triathlete, go Sophie, soon be cycling up and down the Close like Chrissy Wellington. Go Sophie, go Sophie, go Sophie.

Ohhh and about riding bikes. An insight I learnt this week.
I came back from my 'big skirt' ride with a painful soft and squishy area. Well you would too after sitting on a saddle for so long. Well I got thinking. When I bought the bike the bike shop guy wiped out a jar of stuff from 'under the counter', and asked 'something for the weekend sir?' No, really he said, 'something to help with chaffing?'
'No' I replied, 'I don't get chaffing'. But after my 'big skirt' ride I thought and wandered if it would help with the discomfort I was now feeling. So I went back to the bike shop and had a discussion with the bike shop guy about cream to slap on your soft places! (what else do you discuss in a bike shop?) 'Would it help?' I asked.
'Yes', he told me assuredly. So I bought the pot of Assos cream.
Last Saturday I got ready for my ride and thought I would try the cream. I unscrewed the lid, remove foil, stuck my fingers in and slapped it on liberaly, 'as directed by the bike shop guy'. Now my thought was that this stuff was like Vaseline. I thought it lubricated those parts that need taking care of. But, I was wrong! How did I know I was wrong? Well something to do with the burning sensation of 'having rubbed aftershave into my sac', might have been a pointer, as I walked around like John Wayne looking for ice. Time to read the label I think, I hope I haven't got it mixed up with chain lube!