Saturday, 31 May 2008

A Big Skirt

Todays bike ride was a big skirt because it goes all the way around an area thats full of hills and I avoided them like the plague. The consequence was a 50 mile bike ride. That will teach you for whimping out from a hill! Didn't really set out to do that far, it just kind of ended up that way.

The day started with a swim in the lake. A couple of curcuits to knock up 1900m.

Then after all this to balance out my ying and my yang I have done some house work and went to the garden centre to make up some hanging baskets and put all the Waitrose shopping away. So now feeling balanced, I am putting my feet up.

Tomorrow is the Dorking 10, luckily I'm not running it, I'm a marshall so you will find me standing on a corner in the country.
