This is a picture from Busselton. The Ironman course is marked out on the pavement with this M dot logo.
I showed it to Dan and Ollie and then told them to look away because they were 'not worthy' to look at the Ironman logo. Only Ironmen and Ironmen pretenders (like me), are allowed to look at the logo. Needless to say, they took no notice and laughed at me, told me I would never be an Ironman and then jumped on it. Sometimes I wander what impression I am leaving on their developing minds!
But I'm over it now! This week I have been getting back to normal. Dealing with the post took 2 days. Took the opportunity to get the car serviced, which allowed me to run up Boxhill and cycle down again, also went out for a ride with Martin (just back from IM South Africa), think he did a time of 12hrs (ish). Quite awesome I think, sure I could not do that. But we rode 40 miles and whilst he struggled on a few of the hills, he left me on the serious ones, even though he did an Ironman a week or 2 ago.
Work looked thin on the ground until Friday when all of a sudden it appears I could be in demand. I have a couple of weeks work starting Tuesday (in Newbury!) but then hopefully something more longterm nearer to home to see me back in the harness and complaining about not having any time! Hey ho, onwards.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Look away if you are not worthy!
Posted by
Andy Curtis