How long is it since I last did a run? That was the question I asked myself as I tried to do a 8 mile circuit on Friday evening, and finding myself run-walking up the zig zag. Ohhhh, no and I have a 10km run on July 15th. I need to get a plan back together becasue its all going horribly wrong at the moment.
Last week was a swim and a run week. Not very good and basically shows you need to have a schedule to follow. Have a goal, a race, an event you want to do and work back from it. Create a plan showing what your going to do each week. Then go do it. Have I done this? No, and thats why I am loosing that endurance and fitness built up earlier in the year.
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
How long is it?
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Friday, 15 June 2007
Work ... It gets in the way of training
The stress continues at work. But it is improving and is at 50% of last weeks level. Whats been going on? Well I develop/implement business 'process' software (SAP Workflow to the techies out there). The piece I have been working on is Invoice Approvals and I have been behind the scene 'pedalling as fast as I can' to minimise the impact of 'issues' (OK bugs) on the business and to ensure invoices are approved and paid.
How did it happen? Testing, (reminder to self) test, test, and test again. Then get lots of others to test, because other people do things.
Back to training. This week I managed to go swimming. I have a 750m open water swim to do in August. It's filling me with dread and fear as I end a 100m puffing and panting and thankful for the end of the pool. How do you get to be a swimming superhero?
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Monday, 11 June 2007
Training abandoned .....
due to overwhelming work commitments.
This last week I had some developments goto production and had to handhold it. So I have been working long hours and been under stress. Normal play will be resumed as soon as things settle down.
Posted by
Andy Curtis
Saturday, 2 June 2007
It is fun ..... Really
What a saga. It starts on Friday on my way to work when the car timing belt broke. Then a power cut and a computer remote connection that did not work. All this meant I had to go into the office in Sunbury on Saturday morning. So thats a 16.5 mile ride there, a load of stress and a 23.5 mile ride home via Dorking to get a haircut. All added up to 40 miles. Yep, and it ended with a climb up Boxhill again. Sometimes living on top of a hill is bad news.
Tomorrow I will be marshalling at the Dorking 10. That will be at least 4 miles running, ohhh and yes 2 miles back up that hill again.
Still, Sarah has managed to buy a new car, it's just in Cornwall, so that will be next weekends cycle ride then!
Posted by
Andy Curtis